Sep 7, 2020 | Kiwi – Year 1 Blog
Father’s Day provided our Kiwi Class with the opportunity to remind their dad’s of how loved and appreciated they are!
The Kiwi Class were extremely excited about making cards for dad and they couldn’t wait to take them home.
I hope that all of our fathers and cherished father figures, enjoyed a Sunday of relaxation and pampering.
Happy Father’s Day!

Sep 3, 2020 | Katipo - Year 3 blog
Pokemon cards are very popular in the Year three class. So I decided what a great motivator to bring the cards into the learning. In Mathematics we are learning about Data Handling. The students are using the Pokemon cards to create a database using Purple mash, 2Investigate. After they have built their database they can use the information to create different graphs, sort the data and write a report on their findings. They are all so highly motivated as you can see from the photos.
The children have also shown me how to play the game during a Math lesson as there is an incredible amount of math involved especially adding and subtracting of tens and hundreds.

Sep 3, 2020 | Mātātā - Year 5 blog
I am very pleased to have Year 5 back in class and learning with their peers again.
Take a look at what we have been doing in Science this week:

Aug 5, 2020 | Kiwi – Year 1 Blog
Term 3 has seen two new students join our Kiwi class.
A very big
to our new Kiwi class friends!
Thank you to the Kiwi Class for being ‘bucket-fillers’ and welcoming our new friends.

Jul 29, 2020 | Mātātā - Year 5 blog
Welcome back to a fabulous start to Term 3. Year 5 have made an enthusiastic start to their return and have already enjoyed exploring evaporation during Science lessons, drama during English lessons and having fun with fractions during Mathematics lessons.
At the end of Term 2, we had a wonderful time during English week. The class answered their daily quiz questions, followed by a fabulous book character day to finish the term. Here are a few snapshots of the fabulous day.

Jul 24, 2020 | Kiwi – Year 1 Blog
What a wonderful way to end not only English Week, but also Term 2!
Book Character Day was a wonderful opportunity for us to share our favourite stories and characters with our friends. At times it felt like Wentworth Primary was actually Hogwarts as there were many Hermione and Harry Potter students out and about!.
The Kiwi Class was very fortunate to have our Year 7 friends visit us to share stories and also our Year 6 buddies came to listen to us read.
A wonderful end to an unusual but busy and FUN term! Have a look at our amazing character costumes!

Jul 22, 2020 | Wētā - Year 4 blog
Book Character Day
To top off our English Week, we had Book Character Day on the Friday. It was great to see all the eye-popping colours, costumes and creativity. Who knew that there were at least 100 different books in the world??

Jun 24, 2020 | Piwakawaka - Year 1 Blog
In Literacy this week, we have been looking at the importance of giving accurate instructions. We began by watching a short video; , that the children found very funny, because instructions written by two children for their dad to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, where not completely accurate. We began to explore the need to give instructions in a specific order while also using clear, accurate language. Next we looked at a jumbled up recipe to make a jam sandwich. Together we read a line at a time and began to sequence the instructions, beginning with the ‘Title’, followed by the ‘ingredients’ and lastly the ‘method’. The method was the interesting part as we needed to make sure we didn’t put the bread together before we had spread it with the butter and then the jam. All the children were able to discuss the correct order and say why each instruction followed on from the next. Today, we got to follow the recipe as we made our own jam sandwiches. The children carefully observed each step and quickly self corrected themselves if they ‘almost’ made a small error. We had the most wonderful discussions during this time. The children talked about the smell of each ingredient, especially the jam, and decided that it must be made of strawberries, raspberries and red apples. They then spoke about the taste; if it was sweet, savoury, sour or bitter. They unanimously agreed the bread was savoury but the jam was sweet.

Jun 24, 2020 | Wētā - Year 4 blog
We have been learning to identify lines of symmetry, and using mirrors to confirm our answers. We also used the mirrors to identify lines of symmetry in our face: there’s always a pesky freckle or two that spoil perfect symmetry though!

Sometimes you have to risk a lot of mess, and get out the paints!

What’s attracting our attention at the moment? Magnets!

Jun 24, 2020 | Katipo - Year 3 blog
In Year three we have been learning how to tell the time on an analogue clock. To complete our topic on time we did a treasure hunt. With a buddy we had to read the time on the clocks and write the answers on the answer sheet. We had so much fun.

Jun 24, 2020 | Tui - Year 2 blog
It has been fantastic to come back to school! We have been having a lot of fun together and have particularly enjoyed learning about earning money, spending it, and giving change.
We found out all about money and then practiced spending it and giving change.

Jun 19, 2020 | Kiwi – Year 1 Blog
Sewing – what an absolutely wonderful skill for children to learn!
A Kiwi class friend gave us all a challenge this week! Could we sew a button onto some material using a REAL needle?
Well………we rose to the challenge………we used our excellent fine motor skills and our sharp eyesight (to thread the needle) to achieve our goal!
Have a look at our results!*
*A Kiwi class friend left early (to celebrate a special birthday) so we did not manage to get a photo of their wonderful sewing – they have taken it home though!