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2020 Classroom Blogs

Term 1: Weeks 4 – 7

Beach Day

Not the sort of look that assures you that he will spare civilians

Cupcake envy

In reality, she’s not actually that short.

“Has anyone seen my eyeball??”

Not the first piece of seaweed I’ve seen, but he wasn’t to know.

Chess Lesson

“Did we win? We stole the most pieces from other boards?”

Sometimes it’s fun to torment your prisoners while you’re waiting for the other person to finish their turn.

Queen of the King

Rodin’s “The Thinker”

Needs to work on her poker face

A cool and calm explanation of how she’s going to slaughter her opponent.

Chess Fest…

Today, we had Paul from Chess Power visit us to teach us how to play chess like a Grand Master. We learned all the pieces’ names and movements as well as the rules of combat and how to beat our opponents by squashing their pieces!


Bike Safety

Thank you Bigfoot Adventures for coming in to teach us how to make sure we are safe when riding our bikes.

Our day began with checking our helmets for signs of damage and making sure they fitted properly!

Then it was onto checking our bikes were roadworthy with the ABCD Quick test.

Finally, we were ready to cycle and learn how to mount, brake and dismount with control. By the time we had finished playing games and having “slow” races, we were all bike experts!



Our Moas proved that, not only are they fast on land, but they are also super swimmers as well! Our Y6 athletes took part in the College and Upper Primary Swimming Sports Day – there was lots of splashing, cheering and fun to be had – and our relay teams took the College by surprise, competing brilliantly to win the Y6/7 Girls’ Relay and just pipped into second place in the Boys’ Relay.


Week 2 – Alphabet Soup

Task: 20 minutes to collect things from A to Z to go in the pot. On your marks, get set….cook!!!



Beach Picnic 2020

The annual Family Beach Picnic was a great day out  –  sun, sand, swimming and water guns!

The Year 6 fundraising also got off to a fantastic start with sausages, dumplings, quiche and bake sale! Thank you to the parents who donated foods and energy in cooking and selling!


Each week, our Mighty Moa team is doing battle, completing seemingly random tasks, under the watchful eye of the Taskmaster.


Week 1: Pinky Pick-up

Our teams had to choose representatives to pick up items from the floor using just their pinkies! Each item had to be bigger than a foot and the number of items had to equal the number of representatives. Confused?

Our best result: 15 items picked up by 15 reps and held for 1 min 25 seconds. Well done, team!


School Captains

There was a fiercely contested election for the role of School Captain this year. Eleven brave, resourceful students presented themselves to their peers as candidates for the three available positions. Each had put great thought and care into their speeches, videos and presentations – outlining how they intended to make our school a better place and how they displayed our Wentworth values.

Congratulations to each candidate – even though you could not all be elected, you were all successful speakers and the voters had an incredibly difficult job in deciding how to cast their votes.

Our School Captains this year are Luke V, Claire S and Oscar G. I know they will do a wonderful job!


Mighty Moa Class 2020

You thought the Moa was extinct? Not at all – there have been numerous sightings around Gulf Harbour of this amazing creature.

Towering above all others, the Moa lived in communities and was capable of fast running speeds  – sociable and sporty – just like our Year 6 class!






Potato, Potato, SPUD!

Shared News is the perfect opportunity for our students to share their world with us and improve their oral language skills.  Through the sharing of News, we learn how to be a good audience, how to ask questions and we improve our listening skills.  We had an excellent News topic today.

Have a look at how engaged and involved our children were in this shared experience!


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